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Light Videos

2015_Santiago_videoLight Videos was an idea to arouse awareness about optics using Internet. We proposed to make different videos about optics. We have prepared a number of theme blocks: Physical explanations, Optics experiments and physical curiosities.

The idea of the Physical explanations is to show some features of physical phenomena that cannot be performed in outdoor activities. For this block we need the collaboration of the professors of the faculty in order to open their labs. The members of the YM Section are mainly from a group that works with lasers. For this reason we have prepared explaining, for example, how a lab Laser works.

Optics experiments were planned as a tool for all the educational community. First experiments were the ones we make in our basic optics in the school activity. With this proposal we want to make teachers able to do the experiments by their own. Moreover we plan to make some video hints in the future for Grade students of physics that want to know more about the experiments they perform in the lab lessons.

Regarding the film outreach of physics, we start to collaborate with a local group of TV producers that have made during the year a programmer for the region TV called: “Eche así”. This programme has been emitted weekly during the summer. One of the programs was dedicated to optics. In this case we collaborate with some material purchased with EPS and OSA grants and also with our personal collaboration.

This collaboration will last during 2016 with new collaboration we planned with these group and we hope to make some video interviews talking about optics for them.