Section requisites

EPS YM sections can apply for the Activity Grant (AG) and for the Young Minds Conference Awards (YMCA) twice a year, the deadlines for the application are January 15th and July 15th of each year.
In order to be eligible, every section needs to fill two forms before the grants deadline:

  • the Section CENSUS form, to confirm the Section members list (they should be members of EPS or one of its national societies);
  • the Activities REPORT form, in order to report previous granted YM activities. The report consists of a title, a 250-500 words text and at list a picture. The submitted data will be uploaded from the YM webmaster as post on this website.
Section CENSUS Activity REPORT

Activity Grant

EPS Young Minds Sections can apply for Activity Grant (AG), totalling up to 1000€ per year. The deadlines for the application are January 15 and July 15 of each year.

The EPS Young Minds Project is currently supporting the following categories of activities:

  • Professional Development: seminars, lectures, short courses.
  • Networking: events held to promote your Section, to strengthen social ties, to network with scientists, professionals and companies, and recruit new members.
  • Outreach:  youth and adult education events including classroom demonstrations, science fairs, etc.

Setting up of matching funds schemes is highly encouraged and strongly increases the chances of obtaining the grants. In order to apply for these grants, the Section needs to fill in a single application form for the corresponding activities.

Download the AG application form
Submit your AG application

Young Minds Conference Award (YMCA)

The EPS Young Minds Project offers a 1000€ grant per year to any EPS Young Minds Section that is organizing or co-organizing a conference, including IONS conferences. The deadlines for the application are January 15th and July 15th, together with the activity grant deadlines, plus two extra deadlines on April 15th and October 15th of each year.

In order to apply for this grant, the Section needs to fill in the application form  and then submit it.

Once the grant is approved, you will be asked to reserve a time slot (usually 15min) within the conference program during which a member of the Action Committee will present YM project.

To be eligible for the YMCA the same criteria for te Activity Grant are needed.

Before applying, you should make sure your application answers the following questions:

  1. Is it an academic event addressed also to participants outside your university/city?
  2. Will you provide a slot to present YM and/or will you distribute YM advertisement material?
  3. Will you put YM logo on the conference material and list it as an official sponsor?
  4. Do you have other sponsors?
  5. For applications for events taking place in less than three months, do you have a programme and a list of confirmed speakers?
  6. For applications for events taking place in less than three months, do you have a website available (with at least the main/programme page available in English)?

Once the YM Action Committee receives and evaluates the applications, there will be three possible outcomes

  1. Approved: This is a straightforward outcome meaning that you receive the grant for the event.
  2. Rejected: Again, a straightforward outcome, but unfortunately not so successful. Some of the requirements are likely not to be met.
  3. On Condition: If we believe that the event is good and can definitely be supported with a YMCA but still there is some lack of details in the description. You will be requested to discuss these details with the AC and eventually will see your grant approved or rejected. You should communicate these details in a short time, so that we can take the final decision within the following YMCA deadline.

Download the YMCA application form
Submit your YMCA application

YM meeting

The EPS YM Leadership Meeting draws together several Young Minds from the various Sections. It represents a great opportunity for career building and networking.

The 2011 EPS YM Leadership Meeting took place at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) on April 29-30.

The 2013 EPS YM Leadership Meeting took place at EPS Headquarters (Mulhouse, France) on June 21-22.

The 2014 EPS YM Leadership Meeting took place at University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France) on June 6-7.

The 2015 EPS YM Leadership Meeting took place at ICFO (Barcelona, Spain) on May 29-30.

The 2016 EPS YM Leadership Meeting took place at ELTE (Budapest) on July 15-16.

The 2017 EPS YM Leadership Meeting took place at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Naples, Italy) on May 12-13. It was the first LM officially hosted and organized by a local YM section.

The 2018 EPS YM Leadership Meeting took place at Czech Technical University in Prague on May 3-5, organized and hosted by the local YM section.

The 2019 EPS YM Leadership Meeting will take place at MPL Erlangen on May 24-25, organized and hosted by the local YM section.