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Introduction to Student Scientific Association

Vilnius_YM_flagEPS Young Minds Section of Vilnius University invited all of the members of the community which connects also the OSA and SPIE Student Chapters to celebrate the international day of π on 14th of March, 2015.

The handouts shown in the first figure were handed out to more than 300 students, the trick to make them more useful was an added list of most common math equations in physics on the other side of the handout. These handout were in Lithuanian and they invited to do outreach activities, participate in seminars, construct some objects and of course come to the celebration of the international π-day. The celebration involved SPIE Student Chapter of Vilnius University, OSA Student Chapter of Vilnius University and Vilnius University Students’ Representation. It consisted of the fallowing events: discussion on possible future plans, Pi memorizing contest and an actual pie contest. Participants competed against each other and the award ceremony took place at the end with a social party, including board games and more. Two books “The Number Pi” written by Pierre Eymard were purchased: one was dedicated to our library while the other was given to the winner of the contest. The left amount of the grant was used to reimburse the cost of snacks and beverages.

Most of the members of different communities are tightly connected but these connections do not always have proper transfer to the results. Sharing the information on upcoming events, meetings, conferences, etc. is a great start. We may have similar aims, but we need to understand each other in order to point them in the same direction. Meetings in informal environment are the best way to do so. All of the event goals are related to reinforcing of the communication between the scientific communities of Vilnius University!