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Volunteers-development weekend

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From the 30th of March until the 1st of April 2018 the Rino Foundation had its volunteer development weekend. The weekend was very exciting for everyone involved. The members loved it, learned a lot and the people who gave the workshops were also very excited about the group.
Volunteers at Rino primarily give science shows in the whole country. These shows are given by two presenters. Because the volunteers have to work together, it is very important that they know each other in different manners. On the weekend we organised activities for people to strengthen their bond. We did, for example, a karaoke night. To hear other people try to sing definitely puts people into perspective 😉
In order to enhance presentation skills, we invited an expert in public speaking to the weekend. He gave a very inspiring talk and we did a workshop on debating, which led to interesting discussions, but was especially useful for learning how to communicate in a nice way. He is also a high school teacher and taught us about communicating with kids aged around 15.
The last big thing which was very useful, was the ice cream making workshop. After the Freezing Physics shows the high school kids receive ice cream (made with liquid nitrogen). To find out which ice cream to use next year, we experimented with different kinds of ice cream to test and taste which was the best (see the attached photo).
In short, we learned a lot during the weekend, strengthened the bond between section members (and the board) and enhanced our public speaking skills in a workshop.