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Outreach toward secondary school

Exif_JPEG_420The YM Section of University of Calabria has carried out in this semester an outreach activity toward secondary schools. The activity was divided into two parts:
1) Simple experiments carried out by members of the EPS-YM Section in secondary schools;
2) A guided visit of students of secondary schools in laboratories of the Department of Physics of University of Calabria.
The experiments in secondary schools had the aim to help the students to learn the concepts ruling light, electromagnetic fields and colours.
After the simple lessons, where we reminded physics behind light and colours, we organized some experiments by using a Wood’s lamp, which have been directly performed by students, with the supervision of the members of the EPS-YM Section and teachers. Students experienced how objects change their colours under the action of Wood’s lamp, or how bacteria that are invisible under visible light become noticeable under ultraviolet light. Another experiment with the Wood’s lamp had the objective to inspect paper currency and documents in order to put in evidence the existence of security strips or features, which are invisible to visible light.
We have also organized laboratory experiences related to magnetism. In particular, we observed what happens when a magnet went through a copper pipe or aluminium pipe. The students understood why magnet slows down. This phenomenon has been explained by the Faraday-Newman-Lenz’s law in a dedicated lesson.
The outreach activity was complemented with a visit of the students to the laboratories of Department of Physics of University of Calabria. In particular, the students observed the diffraction pattern obtained when low-energy electrons (~100 eV) are reflected by metallic single crystals. Moreover, they assisted to a vibrational experiment on graphene. Members of the 2D Materials of the Department of Physics group discussed with the students about the significance of nanotechnology and its potential impact on daily life. Moreover, the key concepts of two-dimensional materials have been introduced with simple terms to the students.
At the end of the visit to the University of Calabria, a snack and some beverages were offered to students and teachers.
We thank the support of local schools and teachers for their kind collaboration. We also thank the students for their enthusiastic attendance to this activity.