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Poster session at the Physics Department

Trieste2One of the goals of the Young Minds Project is to foster the networking among young researchers
and students. As our first activity, we organized a spring poster session for the master and PhD
students of the Physics Department of the University of Trieste. The poster session took place in
the corridors of the Physics Department on the two days of the presentation to the students of the
Master Course in Physics and during the following week. The posters had, therefore, a high visibility
due both to the high number of people present for the Master Course presentation and to their
location in the core place of the Department’s life.
The posters numbered 16 and were presented by master and PhD students. Among the topics
covered we had high-energy astrophysics, quantum information, chemical evolution of galaxies,
out-of-equilibrium condensed matter, space and satellites physics, density functional theory
calculations, and stabilization of laser cavities. For the PhD students, the poster session has been
very useful to present their work to fellow PhD students and possible bachelor and master students
coming to their labs and groups for their internships or theses. To the master students, it provided
the opportunity to present for the first time their thesis work, a few months before the final
graduation defense.
In addition to the presenting students and to the audience, the activity was welcomed also by the
Professors, who encouraged their students to present a poster on their work. Given the success of
the activity, it will be repeated in late spring 2017.